
Showing posts from June, 2019

Untuk Aku,

Dear Aku, yang masih 20 tahun (kurang sedikit lagi). Mungkin belakangan ini terasa berat, mungkin kamu capek dan ngerasa sendirian. Tapi aku, as the older you, bisa bilang bahwa things finally get better. Mungkin prosesnya memang makan waktu dan melelahkan. But I can't be here if you're not doing what you're doing right now. So I hope when you read this, you'll have a little bit more patience and strength. You do you, girl! Anyway, cuma mau mengapresiasi karena kamu sudah mau menjadi kamu. Meskipun berat dan ga mudah, meskipun mungkin ada yang ga suka (but hey, you can't please everybody!), terima kasih karena sudah menjadi diri kamu sendiri, menerima kamu apa adanya, dan menunjukannya dengan bangga. Terima kasih sudah mau berubah menjadi lebih baik, bukan karena orang lain, tapi karena kamu merasa perlu, I'm proud of you Terima kasih karena sudah menghargai diri sendiri dengan berusaha untuk jujur. Kepada orang lain, jelas perlu.

To Be Positive

"If I were a flower, what kind of flower would I be?" "Sunflower. Or maybe daisy" I used to believe that she was actually a sunflower, that kind of person who radiated happiness and didn't have problems or things to worry about. As time went by, I realized that she was trying, struggling to be  the sunflower. It's a secret but here; when I decided to look a little bit closer, she was not just a sunflower. She was the dirt, the insects, the pesticide? Do flowers need pesticide? I actually don't know . She was the sun, the wind, and the water. She was a complete, perfect set of every components. She was a sunflower. But she wasn't just  a sunflower.