
Showing posts from May, 2020

Rona Rants

It's true, 1000% So here's my story, As we all already know, in the middle of this difficult situation, we tend to get bored, insecure, and lonely. The uncertainty is killing us more than Rona, the bitch itself, but guess what? We are not the one that actually has to put on the protective equipment that, honestly, doesn't look comfortable at all, has to hold our bladder, risks our-lives and leaves our loved ones on daily basis just to take care of some strangers SO please, please, just hold on a little bit longer. I am so MAD, like, why do people keep being selfish and do whatever they want to do? This is not a joke and those who died during this war is not just a number! On the other hand, I am fully aware that not everyone has the same privilege to stay at home all the time, but really? Going to the mall to buy new clothes? Are you freaking kidding me? Do all of the efforts and sacrifices of other people mean nothing to you? So this is where Dumbled

Things I Shouldn't Think About (When I'm Upset)

1. I have feelings too! 2. You are overreacting! 3. My mistake was not even that big 4. This is such a drama 5. This fight is pointless 6. What should I do to knock some sense in you 7. I said sorry, okay? 8. THIS IS SUCH A DRAMA 9. I'm cool, this doesn't bother me at all 10. OMG, you're such a crybaby 11. Why do you have to say mean things to me 12. Why do you expect me to do? Crying, begging for your forgiveness? 13. Do I have to pretend that I'm not hurt by your words? 14. You better close your mouth before I punch your throat. Kadang gue suka kesel sama diri sendiri. Kenapa sih gue jadi orang cupu banget, dalam artian gue barely stand up for myself, ga berani bilang engga, selalu ngalah untuk ngehindar dari situasi yang ga menyenangkan, dan takut untuk bikin orang lain kesel sama gue? Di satu sisi, gue ngerasa kalo gue ga perlu buang-buang waktu dan tenaga untuk hal yang akan gue sesali di kemudian hari, tapi di satu sisi gue juga nger