
Showing posts from July, 2021


Haloooooo! Long time no see honey boo boo. What is up? Ceiling.  Ketawa jangan? Quick life update:  I'm still struggling in some respects, but everything seems to be alright so far. I'm feeling significantly better, mentally, and physically. Oh, I've been writing regularly on Wattpad too, it's kind of my new coping mechanism (which I'm not really proud of  — but damn it feels good ) and  I'm a fan of BTS now. It's confirmed that I will not be graduating this semester because of a thing or two, but that's okay, I still want to give  — and deserve! — a pat on my shoulders. So, how's yours?  By the way ada apa ni kok tumbenan nengok ke mari? Ya tentu saja karena hari ini aku berulang tahun! Walaupun ulang tahun has become less exciting and less special for me, gue pikir ulang tahun bisa lebih dimaknai kalau bisa menjadi refleksi di tiap tahunnya. Lagian juga, agaknya sudah menjadi ritual sih gue liat-liat buat bikin postingan setiap tanggal 14 Juli. Har